Aviation Management Graduates Its First Students

Our department celebrated its first graduation with great enthusiasm. The graduation ceremony held in the conference hall of the Civil Aviation School was attended by the Rector's Advisor Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali TABUR, Çelebi Aviation Service Human Resources Director Gökçen DERVİŞOĞLU, Er-Ah Flight School Founder and General Manager Erdoğan CABAOĞLU, Civil Aviation School Director Dr. Lecturer Ahmet SONGUR, faculty members, students and their families.

Following the speeches of the Rector's Advisor Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali TABUR, Çelebi Aviation Service Human Resources Director Gökçen DERVİŞOĞLU and Aviation Management Department Lecturer Res. Asst. Büşra YILDIRIM to draw attention to the meaning of the day, Sara KAYA, the third student of the Aviation Management Department, who spoke on behalf of the graduating students, concluded her speech by expressing the pride and excitement of being the first graduate.

Following the speeches, the graduates were presented their certificates by the faculty members of the School and Department. After the food and cake were served, the students showed their joy of graduation by throwing their graduation caps into the air.



Yayın Tarihi: 24/11/2024
Okunma Sayısı: 32