2023-2024 Academic Year Spring Semester Single Course Exams

2023-2024 Academic Year Spring Semester Single Course Exams

At the end of the spring semester of the 2023-2024 academic year, students who are in graduation status with a GPA of at least 2.00 at the end of the spring semester and who have failed only one course with FF or FD except for the education (Vocational Education in Business) course and who have continued that course will be able to apply for a single course exam for one time only.

Exams will be held according to the calendar on the link https://oidb.sdu.edu.tr/tr/haber/2023-2024-egitim-ogretim-yili-bahar-donemi-tek-ders-sinavlari-47078h.html. Applications will be made through the Student Information System by selecting the course from the “Single Course Application Procedures” menu under the “Application Procedures” heading.

Students who cannot apply online through the system will be able to apply to our Directorate with the application form below.

Click for Single Course Application Form Access Link .


Yayın Tarihi: 03/07/2024
Okunma Sayısı: 47