About Student ID Cards

Identity Card renewal requests The printing processes of the identity cards issued free of charge to the students who enroll in the programs of our University for the first time are carried out by our Department, and our proposal to charge 100 TL identity card fee in case of requesting a second card due to loss, theft, wear, deterioration, deterioration, photo change, etc. of the identity cards, which will be given free of charge to student staff and their relatives for one time, has been approved by the Board of Directors Decision dated 19.01.2024 and numbered 919/21.

Card Printing Automation has been prepared by the Department of Information Technologies for student ID cards. The requests for ID cards to be issued for the second time to the students of our university will fall into the card printing automation of the Schools of Higher Education after depositing the ID card fee through the SDUNET platform. For ID cards to be received free of charge (to be printed for the first time), the unit student affairs will be able to make a request through the card printing automation. You can make an application by using the "Student ID Card Printing Automation User Guide ” prepared by the Department of Information Technologies.


Yayın Tarihi: 29/02/2024
Okunma Sayısı: 40