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Süleyman Demirel University (SDU) School of Civil Aviation has received an important support from the Ministry of National Defense (MSB) General Directorate of Military Factories 5th Main Maintenance Factory Directorate. The UH-1 model helicopter, which was received by Assoc. Prof. Dr. İnan Eryılmaz, had its fuselage paint renewed and the turbine engine, rotor, transmission systems, control systems, electrical and avionics systems were fully equipped.

This valuable donation further strengthens our university's claim in the field of aviation education. The helicopter will provide a great opportunity for practical training, especially for the Aircraft Maintenance and Repair and Aircraft Electrical and Electronics departments. Thus, our students will be trained as industry-ready individuals by gaining one-on-one experience with modern aviation technologies.

Strong Infrastructure with New Hangar Construction

The construction of a new hangar at the School of Civil Aviation is also making significant progress in this context. The hangar is designed to meet all the infrastructure needs required for modern aviation training. With the completion of the new hangar, a more favorable working environment will be provided for the donated helicopter and other training vehicles.

Our School continues its efforts to increase its training capacity and to provide qualified human resources to the aviation sector. Preparation processes for student recruitment have been initiated for Aircraft Maintenance and Repair and Aviation Electricity and Electronics departments. These departments will offer a curriculum to develop students' knowledge and skills through both theoretical and practical courses.

Leadership in Aviation Education

SDU School of Civil Aviation continues to take steps to strengthen the leadership position of our university in aviation education with the aim of providing its students with the knowledge and skills to compete both nationally and internationally.


Yayın Tarihi: 27/12/2024
Okunma Sayısı: 8