Narcogenicity Training Activities

Narcogenicity Training Activities

Isparta Police Department on 29.05. 2024 Wednesday at 13:00 in the conference hall of our Higher School at 13:00 with the Narcogenicity Training Module, which was put into operation across the country in 2021 by the Presidency of Combating Narcotic Crimes and approved by the TUBIM Scientific Board; Isparta Provincial Police Anti-Narcotic Crimes Branch Directorate TUBIM Bureau Chief's staff will be explained in detail to the students of our Higher School by the expert staff working in the staff of the TUBIM Bureau Chief's staff “causes of substance use, physical, social and psychological harms, legal consequences that may occur due to legislation and ways to protect from addiction” and all our students are required to participate in the aforementioned training.

Yayın Tarihi: 27/05/2024
Okunma Sayısı: 38